
Love God,
Love People


To see the people of Indianapolis forever changed by the Gospel.


  • Everything we do in this family is centered on the Gospel and bringing God glory.

  • We will do anything short of sin to reach people who do not know Christ and see them added to the family. Found people, find people.

  • We are committed to discipleship and helping those in the family to grow in their faith to become more like our Heavenly Father.

  • We are part of this family not because of what we have done, but because of what our Father did for us. It is okay to not be okay.

  • Our Father has told us to carry each others burdens and show the world we love them. We will be generous as a family.

  • We will not insult God with safe living and small thinking.

  • Nothing is more fun than getting to serve our Father with people we love.

  • The local church is the hope of the world and we know we can accomplish much more together than apart.

  • Excellence honors God. We believe in only doing what we can do well (with excellence).

  • Every decision will be subjected to scripture. We will choose to speak when the scripture speaks and be silent when the scripture is silent.